welcome to the slingshot challenge
National Geographic and OKAGE believe that changing the future of conservation begins with small steps, with great ideas that drive impact in your community. We believe that together, our ideas and actions will add up to progress protecting our planet and improving our future.
We invite students 13 years of age or older to rise to the challenge, and submit a one-minute video describing their idea for solving environmental issues for a chance to receive up to $10,000 in funding.
For the 2024-25 challenge, OKAGE encourages participants to consider completing a bird-safe school project; or to create or revitalize school pollinator gardens, with a focus on minimizing outdoor lighting to promote nocturnal habitat health.
Submissions are due by Friday, February 7, 2025.
Join the Global Challenge
The Global Challenge is only open to students 13-18 years of age.
Join the Oklahoma Challenge
The Oklahoma Challenge is open to any student 13 years of age or older.
Bird-Safe Schools
School Pollinator Gardens
oklahoma challenge video library
2024-25 student raffle prizes
Participating students will be entered into a drawing for the prizes pictured below.
2024-25 teacher raffle prizes
Participating K-12 teachers will be entered into a drawing for the prizes pictured below. At least one video must be submitted to Videos for Change and OKAGE to be entered into the drawing.
2024-25 Participation gifts
Each K-12 student who submits a video to OKAGE is eligible to receive one of the student participation gifts. Participating collegiate students who submit to Videos for Change for the Global Challenge and to OKAGE may request a participation gift by emailing okage@ou.edu. K-12 teachers receive one gift per video submitted to OKAGE, and college educators may receive one gift per video submitted to OKAGE upon request.