The Oklahoma Standard: Tornados
Description: Students will develop an understanding of how tornados form. Identify and locate the cities where the top 10 worst tornados in Oklahoma occurred on the Giant Map of Oklahoma. They will specifically gather and analyze data from the Moore, Oklahoma 2013 tornado site using geospatial technology.
Grade level(s): Middle Standards: GFL, C3
Produced By: Denise Aguilar
Inquiring Minds Want to Know
Description: The word today struggles with the credibility of stories and sources. There are a variety of reasons for this phenomenon – satire, entertainment, political partisanship, and social media. Students will experience the process of determining credibility of sources. (Media Literacy)
Grade level(s): Middle Standards: OAS, GFL Produced By: Brenda Chapman
Water We Going To Do?
Description: In this lesson, students will explore how water behaves on various substrates (ground surfaces), what occurs during a flood, and the causes of flash floods. This lesson concludes with students designing and testing various floodplain models intended to mitigate the effects of flash floods.
Grade level(s): Middle School, High School
Standards: OAS, GFL Produced By: Danny Mattox
Loaded Language: The Smoking Gun of Bias
Top Ten Most X-Treme Animals
I Have Heard of a Land: Using Oklahoma’s Giant Traveling Map, with Historical Maps, to Tell a Complete Story
Description: Geography is the landscape on which History happens. In this lesson, students will use an award-winning historical fiction picture book, the Oklahoma Giant Traveling Map, and a series of Oklahoma historical maps, to gain a better understanding of why Blacks from the South, single women, and other pioneers came to participate in the land runs, as well as the impact on Native Americans already living in the areas. Students will gain an appreciation and understanding that history usually has more than one perspective to events happening.
Grade level(s): Elementary, Middle School, High School Standards: OAS, GFL
Produced By: Lynn Tilley
Geography Teacher Technology Tool Kit
When Maps Lie
Description: Students will understand the limitations and uses of different map projections, as well as becoming familiar with how maps can be used to accidentally or intentionally misrepresent facts
Grade level(s): Elementary, Middle School, High School
Standards: OAS, GFL
Produced By: Janet Hall
Carbon Footprints, Finding Solutions
Description: Students will gain understanding in the climate change. Students will engage in technology and create an action plan addressing the world-wide conservation and environmental crisis while learning human-environmental interaction concepts related in geography.
Grade level(s): Middle School, High School
Standards: OAS, C3
Produced By: LeaAnn Wyrick
Oklahoma Route 66 Must-See Attractions
Description: Students will discover the Mother Road, Route 66, by analyzing the history of the road, while specifically identifying locations of 10 must-see attractions on the Oklahoma portion by using the Giant Traveling Map of Oklahoma. They will discover the importance of each attraction and will create a presentation on a selected attraction. More Route 66 information and resources are available from the Oklahoma Route 66 Association.
Grade level(s): Middle School Standards: GFL, C3
Produced By: Denise Aguilar
Can You C-Me?
Description: This lesson asks students to investigate a scientific phenomenon, coronal mass ejections (CME), that could have major impacts on our infrastructure, society, and the world. However, strong coronal mass ejections are not well understood by scientists and the public is mostly unaware that this threat even exists. A Carrington Class CME could strike at any time, and depending on its strength and our response, the event could be so catastrophic that modern civilization is forever changed. Using a CME investigation as the backbone, teachers can take this lesson down a variety of paths that relate to human systems, environment, and society.
Grade level(s): Middle School Standards: OAS, GFL Produced By: Danny Mattox
Gridiron Geography - 2017
Description: Using the Big 12 Football schedule as a guide, your students will learn about the geographical and historical significance surrounding the participating teams' campuses, home cities or towns, home states, mascots, players, and more!
Grade level(s): Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School
Standards: GFL
Produced By: Ginny Rohr, Dr. Darren Purcell, Jeff Woolsey, Janet Hall, Pam Merrill, Virginia Silvis, LeaAnn Wyrick, Bill Amburn, and Dr. Scott Greene.
Cause and Effects of the Korean War
Tectonic Leadership
Description: The purpose of this lesson is for students to examine how leaders in the countries affected by the Ring of Fire, shape geopolitical choices. Students will do this through readings and dramatizations. It is designed to introduce students to rulers in this region of the world and examine how they are shaping geo-political issues today. Students will also become familiar with some distinctive elements of the various cultures.
Grade level(s): Middle School Standards: OAS, GFL
Produced By: Ann Kennedy
Greenpeace, Barbie and the Indonesian Rainforest
Archipelago Hotspot
Description: Students will discover how the Hawaiian Islands were created. Students will learn how the volcanic eruptions affect humans and how they adapt and modify their environment.
Grade level(s): Middle School Standards: OAS, GFL
Produced By: Glenda Sullivan
Pacific Rim Economic Tigers
Description: This lesson will focus on four counties which have been given the nickname Economic Tigers because of their aggressive economies. They are: South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong. The impact of the Ring of Fire on these economies will also be explored. This is a great hands-on lesson that will address some of the economic problems of today.
Grade level(s): Middle School Standards: OAS, GFL
Produced By: Teresa Begley
Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On: Tectonic Changes along the Pacific Rim
Description: Using a variety of online, print, and visual evidence, students will be challenged to defend of refute the label, Ring of Fire, as an accurate and appropriate description of the physical region of the Pacific Rim and its history, as well as future potential for devastating tectonic events. As a conclusion to student investigations, students will create and publish their findings in an online, digital journal. The lesson is most effective if students have access to the internet at multiple stages of the lesson; however, options are available should access be limited.
Grade level(s): Middle School Standards: OAS, GFL
Produced By: Pam Merrill
R U a Geo-Techie? Digital Tools for Geographic Learning
Description: This lesson offers teachers information and resources for assisting students in this process, while examining the topic of informational technology’s impact on developing nations, the cultural diffusion such technology has brought, and the political/social issues involved in determining access to information. This overview of the possibilities of producing digital learning products can be used anytime during the year.
Grade level(s): Middle School Standards: OAS, GFL
Produced By: Pam Merrill